
Out and About Friday 20th October


We currently have 77 relief chefs out working over Scotland and England

If you are looking for permanent work please email over your CV to or if you are known to us and already registered please pop us a message with your availability.

If you are available for over the festive period please get in touch and we can make a note in the database, double time is payable on Christmas Day and New Years Day.


Here are some chefs we have out just now

New to relief we have Andy Farmer he is up at the Balmoral Hotel in Ballater along with Nastasia Costinea

Ally Bell is at Kinloch Lodge, Isle of Skye

Dave Dixon is at Heathmount Hotel, Inverness  

Lewis Francis is at Frasers at the Brackenhide, Isle of skye

Paul Patterson is at The Cabarfeidh Hotel, Stornoway

Ross Kinnes is down in Devon at The Rock Inn

Lillian Clarkson fined her stint at Oban Bay Hotel

Graeme Anderson is getting on well and has been extended at the Black Bull, Moffat

Craig Morris is at Powfoot Hotel near Annan

Peter Snelgar is at Our Place, Annan

Julian robinson still at the Redgarth Hotel, Aberdeenshire

Brian Ferguson’s time is coming to an end at Bunchrew House, Inverness


Thank you to all our chefs 😊 keep up to good work and thanks for your continued support

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