
January 9th 2019

We have kicked off the office in full swing this new year with lots happening in the office including lots of permanent chefs being placed, CVs being sent out and new jobs being registered daily. It is very refreshing to be back into a routine as January can be a very busy time for us and very different to the months previous.

There is lots going on in the news with dry January, Veganuary and lots of new years resolutions. We set new targets in the office every month and keep statistics, so we have a record and can go back and look at over previous years which helps us gauge where we are headed. We are continually striving to improve on previous years.

I know vegan living is very popular just now and plant-based living is on the rise. Everywhere you look there is different vegan menus and recipes and ways to just eat meat free. I know this can be a controversial topic in the chef world so wanted to hear your thoughts on whether you also have a vegan menu in your current kitchen or vegan options at least. From a business point of view, it makes sense with such a huge movement on the rise to be able to cater for the masses. If you don’t have vegan options on your menu currently is this something you will look to do in the future?

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