
Out and About 22nd September


We have 84 relief chefs out working in Scotland and England

If you would like to register for permanent work please email your CV’s to or you can call to have a chat in the first instance 01683 222830

Here are a few chefs we currently have out working just now

 Juanvi Salelles at Selkirk Arms, Kirkcudbright

Dave Dixon at Royal Dornoch Golf Club

Gareth Connelly at Ythanview Hotel, Ellon

Brian Ferguson finished his stint at Galley of Lorne and Dougie Gillies has taken over

Mark Murray at The Both Bistro in Burghead

Jack Mumford at Duisdale Hotel, Skye

Jason Gallagher is at No 11 Hotel, Edinburgh

Craig Morris is at Balmoral Arms, Ballater

Gary Robinson is at Mishnish, Tobermory

Chris Stock is at Sea Salt Bistro, Islay

Stefan Gonet is at Portnacraig, Perthshire

Anthony Didsbury is at Bridge Hotel, Buttermere

Jonathan Mcgregor is at Pettycurbay along with Kirsty Hamilton and Stephen Grant

Julius Mwambula has been extended at Shapewells Hotel, Penrith

Andy Whitelaw is at Philipburn Hotel, Selkirk

Laura Galloway at Collingwood Arms, Cornhill on Tweed


Thank you to all our relief chefs out working, we appreciate your support and hard work :)

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